Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Advisory Committee
About | Members | Guidelines
Membership Guidelines
administration of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program
requires open communication and participation by a number of individuals and
interests. The Transportation DBE Advisory Committee is established by the
Virginia Department of Transportation in order to promote and encourage such
communication and participation.
The duties of the Advisory Committee shall not be rigidly drawn, so that maximum openness and candor may be exercised by members. In a broad sense, its role will be to:
A. Bring together a cross section of individuals representing interests directly involved in, or affected by, the DBE program;
B. Provide recommendations to the commissioner and / or appropriate departments on operational and administrative changes they propose that will impact the DBE program.
C. Provide an annual report to the commissioner; preferably, face to face on various aspects and accomplishments for the year.
D. Solicit input from the commissioner on issues / objectives warranting attention.
E. Serve as a forum through which concerns of DBE firms, non-minority contractors, and others may be brought to the attention of the department, regarding day to day operations of the program.
F. Promptly identify and address issues related to the DBE program.
G. Provide the commissioner with list of potential members.
The Advisory Committee shall, consist of 13 voting representatives from the following areas:
A. 4 Minority-Owned Firms
B. 2 Women - Owned Firms
C. 3 Non-DBE Firms
D. 1 Federal Highway Administration Representative
E. 1 Virginia Dept. of Transportation Representative
F. 1 VA Dept. Minority Business Enterprise Representative
G. 1 VA Road & Transportation Builders Association Representative
Minority, women-owned, and non-DBE contractors will serve for two (2) years, meaning one (1) term. Participation would be evaluated and member could be eligible for another term.
A. A member may send a representative from his/her organization if he / she cannot attend a scheduled meeting. Members not attending 2 meetings a year shall be considered inactive and replaced. Membership will recommend removal of any inactive member or members.
B. A vacancy or vacancies shall be filled through appointments made by the Commissioner.
C. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
D. These guidelines may be amended by majority vote.
E. Other VDOT representatives and stakeholders may attend meetings as advisors or resources.
F. Only voting members shall make or second motions.
G. Committee member, who is recommending a firm/representative for potential membership, is to provide the Advisory Committee with background information on the firm/representative being recommended for membership.
A. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30. Members may serve consecutive terms.
B. Election for both Chairperson and Vice
Chairperson shall be held annually.
A. Chairperson
1. The chairperson must serve on the Advisory Committee at least one year prior to be being installed.
2. The chairperson shall be elected by majority vote of the membership.
3. The chairperson shall preside over all meetings.
4. The chairperson shall give status reports at special meetings as so designated.
5. The chairperson shall encourage members to actively participate in meetings and other activities.
6. Each April, the chairperson will appoint a nominating committee to develop a slate of officers.
B. Vice Chairperson
1. The vice chairperson shall be elected by majority vote.
2. The vice chairperson shall serve in the absence of the chairperson.
3. The vice chairperson shall become chairperson if the chairperson is unable to actively serve or complete their term.
C. Secretary
1. The secretary will be represented by the marketing coordinator or another Civil Rights Division staff person, but will not be a member of the group.
2. The secretary will keep an accurate record of meeting proceedings.
3. Minutes will be distributed to members within 2 weeks after meeting.
4. Formal agenda will be prepared for members 30 days prior to meeting. Members will have two weeks to make changes. The final agenda will be distributed 2 weeks before meeting and will serve as a final reminder.
5. The secretary will file a copy of the meeting minutes with the Civil Rights Division.
6. The secretary will arrange meetings and other activities of the Advisory Committee.
7. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of membership attendance.
The Advisory Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis.