Recently Completed: Route 53 and Route 618, Fluvanna County


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Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Route 53 (Thomas Jefferson Parkway) and Route 618 (Lake Monticello Road) in Fluvanna County finished on-time Nov. 17.

Under a $2.2 million construction contract, Chemung Contracting Corp. of Mitchells replaced the “T” intersection with a single-lane roundabout.

The roundabout will improve safety and more efficiently move traffic through the intersection. According to 2019 traffic data, approximately 7,700 vehicles use Route 53 daily. The traffic count on Route 618 is 3,100 vehicles per day.

The roundabout includes enhanced street lighting and pedestrian accommodations.

A 5-foot sidewalk along the northeast quadrant of the intersection and along the south side of Route 618 accommodates pedestrians. A marked crosswalk across Route 618 connects the existing JAUNT bus stop in the parking lot of the Effort Baptist Church with future Park and Ride spaces that are planned to be included in the proposed development to the north of the intersection.


Roundabouts are safer than traffic signals and conventional stop-controlled intersections because traffic can continually and efficiently flow through the intersection and vehicle operating speeds are lower. Additionally, roundabouts help reduce air pollution and fuel use compared to a signalized intersection due to reduced idling and less acceleration and deceleration. 


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Office of Communications

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Project overview video

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Phase: Recently Completed

UPC: 96938

State ID: 0053-032-S71

Federal ID: HSIP-03-7(025)

Lat/Long: 37.927772, -78.359333

Locality: Fluvanna

Page last modified: March 27, 2023