VDOT News - Fredericksburg


IMMEDIATE - 1:30 p.m.

Kelly Hannon 540-374-3344
(540) 656-0321 cell


Jan. 5, 2022

Drivers are encouraged to continue avoiding unnecessary travel, with more than 100 roads closed for downed trees, tree debris and utility lines

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is encouraging drivers to avoid unnecessary travel in the Fredericksburg area with more than 100 state-maintained roads closed for downed trees or utility lines, and many secondary roads remaining covered with snow and ice.

Interstate 95 is open, with bare, visible pavement in the travel lanes. Crews have made repeated passes to clear snow and treat with materials, and are continuing to monitor and treat for any slick surfaces.

Today, crews are are working across the Fredericksburg region in maximum mobilization to improve road conditions on major routes and secondary roads connecting to emergency services and critical public needs.

Primary roads and higher-volume secondary roads are in minor to moderate condition, which means some bare pavement may be visible, but partial snow and slush conditions still exist. Even with treatment, icy to slick conditions remain possible. More snow coverage may be found in turn lanes and crossovers, where there is less vehicle traffic, and road shoulders may be blocked by snow.

Most lower-volume secondary roads and subdivision streets remain completely covered in snow, in severe condition. As VDOT crews are able to clear more snow and ice from primary routes, additional resources can be shifted to begin to make progress on these roads.

Crews continue working 24 hours a day, in 12-hour shifts, until all state maintained roads are passable and safe for travel.

For motorists who cannot avoid travel, be aware that some traffic signals remain out of service due to power loss. Motorists should follow this guidance on how to proceed.

Online Snowplow Tracker

To track plowing progress where you live, please visit VDOT’s online snow plow tracking map at vdotplows.org.

Additional Information

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Find VDOT Fredericksburg District news releases online on VDOT’s website, www.VirginiaDOT.org, under “Newsroom.”


Call 511, visit www.511Virginia.org, or use VDOT’s 511Virginia free mobile app to find real-time road conditions in any area of the state.


VDOT’s 14-county Fredericksburg District includes the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford in the Fredericksburg area; Northumberland, Richmond, Lancaster and Westmoreland counties in the Northern Neck; Essex, Gloucester, King & Queen, King William, Mathews and Middlesex counties in the Middle Peninsula.

Information in VDOT news releases was accurate at the time the release was published. For the most current information about projects or programs, please visit the project or program Web pages. You may find those by searching by keyword in the search Virginia DOT box above.

Page last modified: May 19, 2023