VDOT News - Culpeper



Lou Hatter (540) 717-2890

CULP 2021-051

Dec. 14, 2021

Fauquier supervisors recommend local residents to serve on stakeholder advisory committee

CULPEPER — The Virginia Department of Transportation is conducting a safety study of the U.S. 17 (James Madison Highway) intersection with Route 245 (Old Tavern Road) southwest of The Plains in Fauquier County. The intersection has a significant crash history and the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors requested VDOT to undertake a study of the intersection and recommend safety improvements.

During the study, which is expected to take approximately four months to complete, the study team will collect data on traffic volumes, crash history and conduct a field review of the intersection as well as the adjacent intersection of Route 245 and Route 845 (Old Winchester Road). 

Based on the data and field work the study team will recommend low-cost, short-term improvements within six to eight weeks. These may include pavement markings, signing and safety measures that can be implemented within the existing right of way. The study will also develop options for more significant, long-term options for safety improvements at the intersection based on projected traffic volume increases and countermeasures to address the most significant causes of crashes there.

The draft report will be reviewed by a stakeholder advisory group recommended by the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors. That group will work with VDOT to provide input into the possible improvements and conceptual designs from the standpoint of those familiar with the roadway in their day-to-day life. The final study will be used to develop projects to submit for funding through VDOT’s Six-Year Improvement Program.

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Information in VDOT news releases was accurate at the time the release was published. For the most current information about projects or programs, please visit the project or program Web pages. You may find those by searching by keyword in the search Virginia DOT box above.

Page last modified: May 19, 2023